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Edward Sabolsky
Multi-functional and Energy Ceramics Group


  • Dr. Edward Sabolsky

    Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


    Materials Science and Engineering Degree Program

  • Postdocs and Visiting Scientists

  • Dr. Oguzhan Bilac

    Bilac's research focuses on developing LTCC materials, dielectric materials, radome materials, solid oxide fuel cells, and near-field passive wireless sensors.

  • Javier Mena

    High-temperature electroceramics and composites for harsh-environment sensing applications

  • Ph.D. Researchers

  • Brian Jordan

    Design of passive and chip-less RFID sensors for high temperature corrosion detection.

  • Saad Waseem

    Nano-Catalyst Enhanced Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anodes for Increased Stability within Hydrocarbon Containing Fuels Investigating methods to increase the performance and stability of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) with Ni-based anodes operating on hydrocarbon reformate fuels. A liquid solution infiltration (impregnation) method is being developed and optimized which will permit the uniform deposition of both single- and multi-phase nano-catalysts throughout the porous anode. The impregnated SOFCs are evaluated using current-voltage-power (I-V-P) measurements and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy while operating under varying reformate fuel compositions. Post-mortem microstructure and chemistry characterizations are used in analysis.

  • Emrah Demrikal

    Fabrication and characterization of soft-robotics actuators, or pneuhinges, utilizing 3D printing and embedded conductive inks

  • M.S. Researchers

  • Kevin Tennant

    Polymer derived ceramics (PDCs) and 3D printing of PDCs for passive wireless sensors. Development of a high temperature chipless radio frequency identification (RFID) for coal fired boiler plants.

  • Cole Klemstine

    Deposition of nano-oxides into solid-oxide fuel cells for the purpose of preventing chromium poisoning and improving overall stability and efficiency

  • Shavinka Jayasekera

    High-temperature reactions of electronics waste streams for recycling.

  • Undergraduate Researchers

  • Andrew Gautier

    Programming for sensor and battery/fuel cell testing; applications and design of data acquisition software

  • Mason Cavalier

    Undergraduate Research Assistant
    Mechanical, Materials, and Aerospace Engineering

    Development and testing of high temperature sensors, general prototyping, and development of new ceramic sintering techniques

  • Jordyn Herter

    Undergraduate Research Assistant
    Mechanical, Materials, and Aerospace Engineering

    Development of semipermeable plates out of 3D-printed silicon carbide for the manufacturing of fuel cells. Fabrication and testing of high-temperature thermocouples. Design, print, and analyze 3D-printed zirconia and work in sample preparation.